More than half of the world’s internet traffic now comes from mobile phones.

To be exact, Statista says that mobile devices (excluding tablets) generated 54.4% of global website traffic – a number that has grown significantly since 2015 when mobile devices accounted for just over 30% of global web traffic. However, whilst the usage of mobile devices has grown at an incredible rate, the question has to be asked…

Have Australian businesses truly changed the way they approach marketing to this section of their audience? The answer for many is, unfortunately, no. And the truth is, it’s probably costing you.

Since Google announced a mobile-first indexing initiative in 2019, the quality of the mobile website has been increasingly important to the site’s eventual ranking on Google Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Starting July 1, 2019, mobile-first indexing is enabled by default for all new websites. Indeed, this has been backed up by what we’ve seen with our clients. Websites we’ve designed and developed always experience a massive increase in their organic page rankings over their competition than the website we started with. Not only is the quality of your mobile website increasingly important to your search engine rankings, but it’s also important that your website offers an easy experience when it comes to buying products or booking appointments.

Infusion121™ has long preached the benefits of a mobile-first approach to marketing and as CEO and Founder of the company, I wanted to ensure that our agency is set up to service this growing demand. In order to do this, we have created a culture/development process for the way we operate – all with the aim of providing our clients with the best possible mobile experience. We have built a team with the goal of developing a specialty in the mobile web development space and one of the first in Melbourne to offer Progressive Web App (PWA) development services. Saving our customers from the time, headaches and cost of having to develop apps for two different Operating Systems, our Progressive Web App (PWA) service have formed a crucial part of our mobile-first strategies for our clients. Clients that convert from a mobile responsive website to a Hybrid or PWA website experience a 20-70% increase in conversions. 

By providing our clients’ customers with an app-like experience on their mobile devices, we have been able to increase engagement and conversion rates for many of our clients.

Since working with Infusion121™, Lingopont has taken its incredible learning platform from app concept, to an incredibly versatile PWA that can service users on desktop, iOS, and Android devices. We created a scalable development framework to future-proof any potential extensions or upgrades, as well as make functional and aesthetic improvements to the original APP’s UX/UI designs. Lingopont subsequently informed us that these modifications were very well received by customers, resulting in an increase in sales revenue. Another change we were quick to make was to our website design process we have developed a well-earned reputation as a specialist in mobile/bespoke development. We now always start by designing for mobile devices first and then work our way up to larger screens.

This might seem like a small change, but it’s one that has made a big difference to the overall quality of our work and results for our clients.

The Victorian Bookmakers Association (VBA) is one such client that has enjoyed incredible success from their mobile-first web development with us, bringing in an increase of 1,044.2% in organic search traffic. The increase has been achieved by custom development and innovative services created by our team, delivering a hybrid product that incorporates a mix of traditional website and PWA features. The result was achieved without any additional SEO spending.

If you’re interested in better understanding how a mobile-first marketing strategy could benefit your business, I’d love to have a chat with you!

Click this link to start a conversation about making the change from mobile-responsive to mobile-first! 

You may also visit our website at or call us at 1300 108 507

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