Project Challenges


The Victorian Bookmakers’ Association (VBA) was looking to bet on a winner, and Infusion121™ came through with the trifecta: Website users, bookmakers, and the VBA administrative team would all now be able to engage with a VBA website built with user experience in mind. This together with a custom Content Management System meant an increase in website traffic and sign-ups were the name of the game.

Website Development
CMS Solutions
Search Engine Marketing
UX/UI Design

Sports Racing Industry


Project Solutions

Our aim was to make life easier for punters, bookmakers, and admin alike, while boosting VBA’s user traffic, converted leads, sign-ups, and digitising the association’s member management system.


Improved User Experience and User Interface via a Mobile Responsive Website

We immediately set out to redesign VBA’s old website into a mobile responsive website with much improved UX/UI. Our team researched the competition, and after thorough analysis of the online bookmaker industry’s thoroughbreds, we implemented the look and feel of a contemporary betting website. We then used progressive technologies to develop a faster online experience accessible on all desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.


A Clean Easy-to-Use Layout for Boosting Organic Engagement

With improved user engagement, design, SEO optimisation, and a boost in sign-ups as our major goals, we designed with space, clarity, and efficiency in mind. This meant users would now be able to quickly search for and access bookmakers and races in real-time, with the ability to filter by bookies or by dates.

We added a search function to ensure users could easily get in touch with bookmakers, as well as making it simple to place bets. Direct links to all three types of bookmakers were included to increase traffic from the VBA website to individual bookmakers, both off-line and online. We then made room in the User Interface (UI) design for ad spaces and banner ads, which would function as sales revenue funnels once the site became more popular. These ads provided greater exposure for bookmakers, subsequently generating more income and revenue for the association.


Systematic Content Management: VBA’s new custom CMS

It was now time to address the user experience issues discovered in the backend of the website. Infusion121™ designed and developed a CMS that was easy to navigate. Improved UX enabled the admin team to easily manage all the bookmakers and their associated profiles, as well as managing ring layouts, resources, and upcoming races. Next, we designed a custom web form to allow bookmakers to register their profile information to then display on the website. This tied into a custom profile system designed to promote on-site bookmakers. Together with featured display banner ads, promotion of the VBA was the goal, with an increase in revenue being the strategised outcome. Real-time integration with Racing Victoria’s live data server allowed the VBA to display all upcoming races on the website. Each time new data for an upcoming race became available, it would automatically update on the VBA website.


Project Results

Designing and developing a premium quality layout and simple navigation for VBA’s key pages and related product goals culminated in:

• The average number of page views increased by 186.71%.
• The number of users increased by 163.38% while maintaining a bounce rate of less than 60%.
• An increased click-through rate of 220.61% when compared to VBA’s older website.
• A total of 13,384 exclusive profile views displaying bookmakers’ contact details.
• A 10-fold increase in organic web traffic to VBA’s site – from 290 organic users per day on the old website, to 2,700+ organic users per month on the new website.
• An ongoing monthly revenue stream from the bookmaker banner, where none had previously existed.

Backing a Winning Trifecta

VBA’s new SEO-optimised betting website resolved challenges faced by all three of its user types – bookmakers, VBA admin, and punters. The site’s new look, easy-to-understand functionality, and navigation provided user-friendly interfaces for the front-end user, and for those accessing and managing the CMS in the backend. No more need to manually manage data!

Our simple onboarding process achieved a 100% uptake from bookmakers, while ‘featured bookmakers’ were highlighted throughout the website, resulting in a massive number of the industry’s players wanting to be listed there. The new registration form and bookmaker profile feature had achieved its intended impact.

Strategically positioned ad banners enabled bookmakers to advertise their own businesses, while live feeds increased organic traffic, subsequently flowing new leads through to bookmakers.

The VBA has become one of the leading game-changers in the industry, and its website still has high potential for further growth. If you’re looking to boost revenue on your betting website, get in touch with Infusion121™ today.


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