The PWA Knockout Punch!
Oh, the pain of building two separate native APPs for both Apple IOS and Android stores. Two builds, CMS (Content management Systems), project timelines, and agencies – most are either Android or Apple developers. You invested too much time and money, and now you’re paying ongoing costs for two applications. Plus, you need to login to a separate CMS for your website, Apple APP, and Google APP – a true time waster.
A PWA delivers the ROI you planned for. Single-build PWA hybrid website/APPs integrate with custom CRM, CMS, accounting packages, and other software applications. These enterprise solutions offer genuine integrated workflows, online and off-line interaction and reporting, Rich Push Messages (many times more effective than email), and two-way customer engagement – exceptional UX design offers more touchpoints to build stronger customer relationships.
When a customer interacts with a PWA’s efficient and engaging front-end UI (User Interface) it’s designed to fit their experience, evolving the more they interact with it. When logging in they feel ‘me’ and so want to return. A personalised experience equates to better customer outcomes. The same can be said for back-end UX/UI. Your team will love you for PWA’s automated efficiency, saving everyone time via a reduction in manual data entry, and improved CRM and CMS functionality. Customers also experience an improved back-end experience when logging in to choose specific options. Lightweight behind the scenes yet electrifying to see, PWA looks awesome while being reliable on lower-quality networks.
A competitive edge and more conversions for less is why PWA leaves the rest behind.